How become effective teacher

How become effective teacher
Starts from: September 1, 2024 1:30PM - 2:00PM
$25/pw Apply Now
Campus Location

151 Beecroft Road , Toronto,Toronto,Canada

Course Feature
  • Course Code A1234-X
  • Duration 2 years
  • Course Type Short Courses
  • Classes Days Saturday, Monday, Tuesday
  • Campus New York Campus
  • Min Qualification MA (Postgraduate)
Class Description

Course Description

This course is designed for current and future teachers who desire to improve their practice in classroom instruction. The course contains six modules:
Module 1: Role of the Teacher
This module explores the history of educational theory. The importance of the role of the teacher is introduced within the zone of proximal development. The module provides a thorough introduction to an effective method of instruction, the gradual release of responsibility. It explains techniques used for direct instruction, the first step in the gradual release of responsibility.
Module 2: Planning a School Day
This module explains that an effective teacher uses a plan for curriculum that includes a weekly plan and daily schedule. The module teaches about routines such as student schedules and morning messages. It provides a deep dive into the elements of a direct instruction lesson plan
Module 3: Multiple Intelligences
This module provides definitions and characteristics of the seven multiple intelligences suggested by Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. It explores how people with each intelligence learn best. The second step of the gradual release of responsibility is the focus, as the module provides activities for students to do during guided practice that incorporate the multiple intelligences.
Module 4: Differentiating Instruction
This module explores perspectives on learning as school leaders, teachers, and students. It instructs teachers to develop an effective learning environment, which includes the setting and culture of a classroom. The focus of the module provides different paths for students to master a lesson plan objective by challenging, reviewing, or reteaching during guided practice.
Module 5: Bloom’s Taxonomy
This module introduces Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy by investigating its six levels of thinking. It suggests that Bloom’s Taxonomy is useful to classroom instruction to ask questions of students and to write lesson plan objectives. The third step of the gradual release of responsibility is the focus, as the module provides tasks for independent practice that relate to each of the levels of the Taxonomy.
Module 6: Assessment
This module explores formative assessment used throughout the three steps of the gradual release of responsibility. Learners review ways to check for understanding during direct instruction. They learn how students can self-evaluate during guided practice. And they investigate a teacher checklist during independent practice. Equally, the module focuses on creating a summative assessment to determine if a student mastered the direct instruction lesson plan objective.